Source code for storj.http

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Storj HTTP module."""

import os

import logging
import json
import requests
import storj
import time

from base64 import b64encode
from binascii import b2a_hex
from ecdsa import SigningKey
from hashlib import sha256
from io import BytesIO
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin

    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    JSONDecodeError = ValueError

from . import model
from .api import ecdsa_to_hex
from .exception import StorjBridgeApiError
from storj import web_socket

[docs]class Client(object): """ Attributes: api_url (str): the Storj API endpoint. session (): email (str): user email address. password (str): user password. private_key (): public_key (): public_key_hex (): """ logger = logging.getLogger('%s.Client' % __name__) def __init__(self, email, password): self.api_url = '' self.session = requests.Session() = email self.password = password self.private_key = None self.public_key = None self.public_key_hex = None @property def password(self): """(str): user password""" return self._password @password.setter def password(self, value): self._password = sha256(value.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
[docs] def authenticate(self, ecdsa_private_key=None): self.logger.debug('authenticate') if isinstance(ecdsa_private_key, SigningKey): self.private_key = ecdsa_private_key self.public_key = self.private_key.get_verifying_key() self.public_key_hex = ecdsa_to_hex(self.public_key)
def _add_basic_auth(self, request_kwargs): self.logger.debug('using basic auth') request_kwargs['headers'].update({ 'Authorization': b'Basic ' + b64encode( ('%s:%s' % (, self.password)).encode('ascii') ), }) def _add_ecdsa_signature(self, request_kwargs): method = request_kwargs.get('method', 'GET') if method in ('GET', 'DELETE'): request_kwargs.setdefault('params', {}) request_kwargs['params']['__nonce'] = int(time.time()) data = urlencode(request_kwargs['params']) else: request_kwargs.setdefault('json', {}) request_kwargs['json']['__nonce'] = int(time.time()) data = json.dumps(request_kwargs['json']) contract = '\n'.join( (method, request_kwargs['path'], data)).encode('utf-8') signature_bytes = self.private_key.sign( contract, sigencode=sigencode_der, hashfunc=sha256) signature = b2a_hex(signature_bytes).decode('ascii') request_kwargs['headers'].update( { 'x-signature': signature, 'x-pubkey': ecdsa_to_hex(self.public_key), }) def _prepare_request(self, **kwargs): """Prepares a HTTP request. Args: kwargs (dict): keyword arguments for the authentication function (``_add_ecdsa_signature()`` or ``_add_basic_auth()``) and :py:class:`requests.Request` class. Raises: AssertionError: in case ``kwargs['path']`` doesn't start with ``/``. """ kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) # Add appropriate authentication headers if isinstance(self.private_key, SigningKey): self._add_ecdsa_signature(kwargs) elif and self.password: self._add_basic_auth(kwargs) # Generate URL from path path = kwargs.pop('path') assert path.startswith('/') kwargs['url'] = urljoin(self.api_url, path) return requests.Request(**kwargs).prepare() def _request(self, **kwargs): """Perform HTTP request. Args: kwargs (dict): keyword arguments. Raises: :py:class:`StorjBridgeApiError`: in case:: - internal server error - error attribute is present in the JSON response - HTTP response JSON decoding failed """ response = self.session.send(self._prepare_request(**kwargs)) self.logger.debug('_request response %s', response.text) try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.debug('response.text=%s', response.text) raise StorjBridgeApiError(response.text) # Raise any errors as exceptions try: if response.text != '': response_json = response.json() else: return {} if 'error' in response_json: raise StorjBridgeApiError(response_json['error']) return response_json except JSONDecodeError as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error('_request body %s', response.text) raise StorjBridgeApiError('Could not decode response.')
[docs] def bucket_create(self, name, storage=None, transfer=None): """Create storage bucket. See `API buckets: POST /buckets <!/buckets/post_buckets>`_ Args: name (str): name. storage (int): storage limit (in GB). transfer (int): transfer limit (in GB). Returns: (:py:class:`model.Bucket`): bucket. """'bucket_create(%s, %s, %s)', name, storage, transfer) data = {'name': name} if storage: data['storage'] = storage if transfer: data['transfer'] = transfer return model.Bucket(**self._request(method='POST', path='/buckets', json=data))
[docs] def bucket_delete(self, bucket_id): """Destroy a storage bucket. See `API buckets: DELETE /buckets/{id} <!/buckets/delete_buckets_id>`_ Args: bucket_id (string): unique identifier. """'bucket_delete(%s)', bucket_id) self._request(method='DELETE', path='/buckets/%s' % bucket_id)
[docs] def bucket_files(self, bucket_id): """List all the file metadata stored in the bucket. See `API buckets: GET /buckets/{id}/files <!/buckets/get_buckets_id_files>`_ Args: bucket_id (string): unique identifier. Returns: (dict): to be changed to model in the future. """'bucket_files(%s)', bucket_id) return self._request( method='GET', path='/buckets/%s/files/' % (bucket_id),)
[docs] def bucket_get(self, bucket_id): """Return the bucket object. See `API buckets: GET /buckets <!/buckets/get_buckets_id>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. Returns: (:py:class:`model.Bucket`): bucket. """'bucket_get(%s)', bucket_id) try: return model.Bucket(**self._request( method='GET', path='/buckets/%s' % bucket_id)) except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == return None else: self.logger.error('bucket_get() error=%s', e) raise StorjBridgeApiError()
[docs] def bucket_list(self): """List all of the buckets belonging to the user. See `API buckets: GET /buckets <!/buckets/get_buckets>`_ Returns: (generator[:py:class:`model.Bucket`]): buckets. """'bucket_list()') response = self._request(method='GET', path='/buckets') if response is not None: for element in response: yield model.Bucket(**element) else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def bucket_set_keys(self, bucket_id, bucket_name, keys): """Update the bucket with the given public keys. See `API buckets: PATCH /buckets/{bucket_id} <!/buckets/patch_buckets_id>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. bucket_name (str): bucket name. keys (list[str]): public keys. Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.Bucket`): updated bucket information. """'bucket_set_keys(%s, %s)', bucket_name, keys) return model.Bucket(**self._request( method='PATCH', path='/buckets/%s' % bucket_id, json={ 'name': bucket_name, 'pubkeys': keys}))
[docs] def bucket_set_mirrors(self, bucket_id, file_id, redundancy): """Establishes a series of mirrors for the given file. See `API buckets: POST /buckets/{id}/mirrors <!/buckets/post_buckets_id_mirrors>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. file_id (str): file unique identitifer. redundancy (int): number of replicas. Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.Mirror`): the mirror settings. """'bucket_set_mirrors(%s, %s, %s)', bucket_id, file_id, redundancy) return model.Mirror(**self._request( method='POST', path='/buckets/%s/mirrors' % bucket_id, json={ 'file': file_id, 'redundancy': redundancy }))
[docs] def contact_list(self, page=1, address=None, protocol=None, user_agent=None, connected=None): """Lists contacts. See `API contacts: GET /contacts <!/contacts/get_contacts>`_ Args: page (str): pagination indicator. address (str): hostname or IP address. protocol (str): SemVer protocol tag. user_agent (str): Storj user agent string for farming client. connected (bool): filter results by connection status. Returns: (list[:py:class:`storj.model.Contact`]): list of contacts. """'contacts_list()') response = self._request( method='GET', path='/contacts') if response is not None: for kwargs in response: yield model.Contact(**kwargs) else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def contact_lookup(self, node_id): """Lookup for contact information of a node. See `API contacts: GET /contacts/{nodeID} <!/contacts/get_contacts_nodeID>`_ Args: node_id (str): node unique identifier. Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.Contact`): contact information """'contact_lookup(%s)', node_id) return model.Contact(**self._request( method='GET', path='/contacts/%s' % node_id))
[docs] def file_pointers(self, bucket_id, file_id, skip=None, limit=None): """Get list of pointers associated with a file. See `API buckets: GET /buckets/{id}/files/{file_id} <!/buckets/get_buckets_id_files_file_id>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. file_id (str): file unique identifier. skip (str): pointer index to start the file slice. limit (str): number of pointers to resolve tokens for. Returns: (generator[:py:class:`storj.model.FilePointer`]): file pointers. """'bucket_files(%s, %s)', bucket_id, file_id) pull_token = self.token_create(bucket_id, operation='PULL') response = self._request( method='GET', path='/buckets/%s/files/%s/' % (bucket_id, file_id), headers={'x-token':}) if response is not None: for kwargs in response: yield model.FilePointer(**kwargs) else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def file_download(self, bucket_id, file_id):'file_pointers(%s, %s)', bucket_id, file_id) pointers = self.file_pointers( bucket_id=bucket_id, file_id=file_id) file_contents = BytesIO() for pointer in pointers: ws = web_socket.Client( pointer=pointer, file_contents=file_contents) ws.connect() ws.run_forever() return file_contents
[docs] def file_metadata(self, bucket_id, file_id): """Get file metadata. See `API buckets: GET /buckets/{id}/files/{file_id}/info <!/buckets/get_buckets_id_files_file_id_info>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. file_id (str): file unique identifier. Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.File`): file metadata. """'file_metadata(%s, %s, %s)', bucket_id, file_id) response = self._request( method='GET', path='/buckets/%s/files/%s/info' % (bucket_id, file_id)) if response is not None: return model.File(**response)
[docs] def file_upload(self, bucket_id, file, frame): """Upload file. See `API buckets: POST /buckets/{id}/files <!/buckets/post_buckets_id_files>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. file (:py:class:`storj.model.File`): file to be uploaded. frame (:py:class:`storj.model.Frame`): frame used to stage file. """'file_upload(%s, %s, %s)', bucket_id, file, frame) def get_size(file_like_object): return os.stat( file_size = get_size(file) # TODO: # encrypt file # shard file push_token = self.token_create(bucket_id, 'PUSH') self.logger.debug('file_upload() push_token=%s', push_token) # upload shards to frame # delete encrypted file self._request( method='POST', path='/buckets/%s/files' % bucket_id, # files={'file' : file}, headers={ # 'x-token':, # 'x-filesize': str(file_size)} 'frame':, 'mimetype': file.mimetype, 'filename': file.filename, })
[docs] def file_remove(self, bucket_id, file_id): """Delete a file pointer from a specified bucket. See `API buckets: DELETE /buckets/{id}/files/{file_id} <!/buckets/delete_buckets_id_files_file_id>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. file_id (str): file unique identifier. """'file_remove(%s, %s)', bucket_id, file_id) self._request( method='DELETE', path='/buckets/%s/files/%s' % (bucket_id, file_id))
[docs] def frame_add_shard(self, shard, frame_id): """Adds a shard item to the staging frame and negotiates a storage contract. See `API frames: PUT /frames/{frame_id} <!/frames/put_frames_frame_id>`_ Args: shard (:py:class:`storj.models.Shard`): the shard. frame_id (str): the frame unique identifier. """'frame_add_shard(%s, %s)', shard, frame_id) data = { 'hash': shard.hash, 'size': shard.size, 'index': shard.index, 'challenges': shard.challenges, 'tree': shard.tree, } response = self._request( method='PUT', path='/frames/%s' % frame_id, json=data) if response is not None: return response
[docs] def frame_create(self): """Creates a file staging frame. See `API frames: POST /frames <!/frames/post_frames>`_ Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.Frame`): the frame. """'frame_create()') response = self._request( method='POST', path='/frames') if response is not None: return model.Frame(**response)
[docs] def frame_delete(self, frame_id): """Destroys the file staging frame by it's unique ID. See `API frames: DELETE /frames/{frame_id} <!/frames/delete_frames_frame_id>`_ Args: frame_id (str): unique identifier. """'frame_delete(%s)', frame_id) self._request( method='DELETE', path='/frames/%s' % frame_id, json={'frame_id': frame_id})
[docs] def frame_get(self, frame_id): """Fetches the file staging frame by it's unique ID. See `API frame: GET /frames/{frame_id} <!/frames/get_frames_frame_id>`_ Args: frame_id (str): unique identifier. Returns: (:py:class:`storj.model.Frame`): a frame. """'frame_get(%s)', frame_id) response = self._request( method='GET', path='/frames/%s' % frame_id, json={'frame_id': frame_id}) if response is not None: return model.Frame(**response)
[docs] def frame_list(self): """Returns all open file staging frames. See `API frame: GET /frames <!/frames/get_frames>`_ Returns: (generator[:py:class:`storj.model.Frame`]): all open file staging frames. """'frame_list()') response = self._request( method='GET', path='/frames') if response is not None: for kwargs in response: yield model.Frame(**kwargs) else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def key_delete(self, public_key): """Removes a public ECDSA keys. See `API keys: DELETE /keys/{pubkey} <!/keys/delete_keys_pubkey>`_ Args: public_key (str): key to be removed. """'key_delete(%s)', public_key) self._request( method='DELETE', path='/keys/%s' % public_key)
[docs] def key_dump(self):'key_dump()') if self.private_key is not None and \ self.public_key is not None: print('Local Private Key: %s' % self.private_key + '\nLocal Public Key: %s' % self.public_key) keys = self.key_list() if not keys: print('No keys associated with this account.') else: print('Public keys for this account: ' + str([key['id'] for key in keys]))
[docs] def key_export(self):'key_export()') print('Writing your public key to file...') with open('public.pem', 'wb') as keyfile: keyfile.write(self.public_key.to_pem()) print('Writing private key to file... Keep this secret!') with open('private.pem', 'wb') as keyfile: keyfile.write(self.private_key.to_pem()) print('Wrote keyfiles to dir: %s' % os.getcwd())
[docs] def key_generate(self):'key_generate()') print("This will replace your public and private keys in 3 seconds...") time.sleep(3) (self.private_key, self.public_key) = storj.generate_new_key_pair() s = raw_input('Export keys to file for later use? [Y/N]') if 'Y' in s.upper(): self.key_export() self.key_register(self.public_key)
[docs] def key_import(self, private_keyfile_path, public_keyfile_path): 'key_import(%s, %s)', private_keyfile_path, public_keyfile_path) with open(public_keyfile_path, 'r') as f: self.public_key = VerifyingKey.from_pem( with open(private_keyfile_path, 'r') as f: self.private_key = SigningKey.from_pem( self.key_register(self.public_key)
[docs] def key_list(self): """Lists the public ECDSA keys associated with the user. See `API keys: GET /keys <!/keys/get_keys>`_ Returns: (list[str]): public keys. """'key_list()') return [kwargs['key'] for kwargs in self._request( method='GET', path='/keys' )]
[docs] def key_register(self, public_key): """Register an ECDSA public key. See `API keys: POST /keys <!/keys/post_keys>`_ Returns: (list[:py:class:`storj.model.Key`]): public keys. """'key_register(%s)', public_key) self._request( method='POST', path='/keys', json={'key': ecdsa_to_hex(public_key)})
[docs] def token_create(self, bucket_id, operation): """Creates a token for the specified operation. See `API buckets: POST /buckets/{id}/tokens <!/buckets/post_buckets_id_tokens>`_ Args: bucket_id (str): bucket unique identifier. operation (str): operation. Returns: (dict): ... """'token_create(%s, %s)', bucket_id, operation) return model.Token(**self._request( method='POST', path='/buckets/%s/tokens' % bucket_id, json={'operation': operation}))
[docs] def user_activate(self, token): """Activate user. See `API users: GET /activations/{token} <!/users/get_activations_token>`_ Args: token (str): activation token. """'user_activate(%s)', token) self._request( method='GET', path='/activations/%s' % token)
[docs] def user_activation_email(self, email, token): """Send user activation email. See `API users: POST /activations/{token} <!/users/post_activations_token>`_ Args: email (str): user's email address. token (str): activation token. """'user_activation_email(%s, %s)', email, token) self._request( method='GET', path='/activations/%s' % token, json={ 'email': email, })
[docs] def user_create(self, email, password): """Create a new user with Storj bridge. See `API users: POST /users <!/users/post_users>`_ Args: email (str): user's email address. password (str): user's password. """'user_create(%s, %s)', email, password) password = sha256(password).hexdigest() self._request( method='POST', path='/users', json={ 'email': email, 'password': password }) self.authenticate(email=email, password=password)
[docs] def user_deactivate(self, token): """Discard activation token. See `API users: GET /activations/{token} <!/users/get_deactivations_token>`_ Args: token (str): activation token. """'user_deactivate(%s)', token) self._request( method='DELETE', path='/activations/%s' % token)
[docs] def user_delete(self, email): """Delete user account. See `API users: DELETE /users/{email} <!/users/post_users>`_ Args: email (str): user's email address. """'user_delete(%s)', email) self._request( method='DELETE', path='/users/%s' % email)
[docs] def user_reset_password(self, email): """Request a password reset. See `API users: PATCH /users/{email} <!/users/patch_users_email>`_ Args: email (str): user's email address. """'user_reset_password(%s)', email) self._request( method='PATCH', path='/users/%s' % email)
[docs] def user_reset_password_confirmation(self, token): """Confirm a password reset request. See `API users: GET /resets/{token} <!/users/get_resets_token>`_ Args: token (str): password reset token. """'user_reset_password_confirmation(%s)', token) self._request( method='GET', path='/resets/%s' % token)