Source code for storj.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Storj model module."""

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import os
import os.path
import random
import six
import strict_rfc3339
import types

from datetime import datetime
from steenzout.object import Object

[docs]class Bucket(Object): """Storage bucket. A bucket is a logical grouping of files which the user can assign permissions and limits to. Attributes: id (str): unique identifier. name (str): name. status (str): bucket status (Active, ...). user (str): user email address. created (:py:class:`datetime.datetime`): time when the bucket was created. storage (int): storage limit (in GB). transfer (int): transfer limit (in GB). pubkeys (): """ def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, status=None, user=None, created=None, storage=None, transfer=None, pubkeys=None, publicPermissions=None, encryptionKey=None): = id = name self.status = status self.user = user = storage self.transfer = transfer self.pubkeys = pubkeys self.publicPermissions = publicPermissions self.encryptionKey = encryptionKey # self.files = FileManager( # self.pubkeys = BucketKeyManager( # bucket=self, authorized_public_keys=self.pubkeys) # self.tokens = TokenManager( if created is not None: self.created = datetime.fromtimestamp( strict_rfc3339.rfc3339_to_timestamp(created)) else: self.created = None
[docs] def delete(self): BucketManager.delete(
[docs]class Contact(Object): """Contact. Attributes: address (str): hostname or IP address. port (str): . nodeID (str): node unique identifier. lastSeen (str): . protocol (str): SemVer protocol tag. userAgent (str): """ def __init__( self, address=None, port=None, nodeID=None, lastSeen=None, protocol=None, userAgent=None ): self.address = address self.port = port self.nodeID = nodeID self.lastSeen = lastSeen self.protocol = protocol self.userAgent = userAgent @property def lastSeen(self): return self._last_seen @lastSeen.setter def lastSeen(self, value): if value is not None: self._last_seen = datetime.fromtimestamp( strict_rfc3339.rfc3339_to_timestamp(value)) else: self._last_seen = None
[docs]class File(Object): """ Attributes: bucket (): bucket unique identifier. hash (): mimetype (): filename (): frame (:py:class:`storj.model.Frame`): file frame. size (): shard_manager (): """ def __init__(self, bucket=None, hash=None, mimetype=None, filename=None, size=None, id=None, frame=None): self.bucket = Bucket(id=bucket) self.hash = hash self.mimetype = mimetype self.filename = filename self.size = size self.shard_manager = None = id self.frame = Frame(id=frame) @property def content_type(self): return self.mimetype @property def name(self): return self.filename
[docs] def download(self): return api_client.file_download(bucket_id=self.bucket, file_hash=self.hash)
[docs] def delete(self): bucket_files = FileManager(bucket_id=self.bucket) bucket_files.delete(
[docs]class FilePointer(Object): """File pointer. Args: hash (str): token (str): token unique identifier. operation (str): channel (str): Attributes: hash (str): token (:py:class:`storj.model.Token`): token. operation (str): channel (str): """ def __init__(self, hash=None, token=None, operation=None, channel=None): self.hash = hash self.token = Token(token=token) self.operation = operation = channel
[docs]class Frame(Object): """File staging frame. Attributes: id (str): unique identifier. created (:py:class:`datetime.datetime`): time when the bucket was created. shards (list[:py:class:`Shard`]): shards that compose this frame. """ def __init__(self, id=None, created=None, shards=None): = id if created is not None: self.created = datetime.fromtimestamp( strict_rfc3339.rfc3339_to_timestamp(created)) else: self.created = None if shards is None: self.shards = [] else: self.shards = shards
[docs]class Keyring(Object): def __init__(self): self.password = None self.salt = None
[docs] def generate(self): user_pass = raw_input("Enter your keyring password: ") password = hex(random.getrandbits(512 * 8))[2:-1] salt = hex(random.getrandbits(32 * 8))[2:-1] pbkdf2 = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', password, salt, 25000, 512) key ='sha256', pbkdf2).hexdigest() IV = salt[:16] self.export_keyring(password, salt, user_pass) self.password = password self.salt = salt
[docs] def export_keyring(self, password, salt, user_pass): plain = pad("{\"pass\" : \"%s\", \n\"salt\" : \"%s\"\n}" % (password, salt)) IV = hex(random.getrandbits(8 * 8))[2:-1] aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV) with open('key.b64', 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64encode(IV + aes.encrypt(plain)))
[docs] def import_keyring(self, filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: keyb64 = user_pass = raw_input('Enter your keyring password: ') key_enc = base64.b64decode(keyb64) IV = key_enc[:16] key =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV) # returns the salt and password as a dict creds = eval(key.decrypt(key_enc[16:])[:-4]) self.password = creds['pass'] self.salt = creds['salt'] return creds
[docs]class MerkleTree(Object): """ Simple merkle hash tree. Nodes are stored as strings in rows. Row 0 is the root node, row 1 is its children, row 2 is their children, etc Arguments leaves (list[str]/types.generator[str]): leaves of the tree, as hex digests Attributes: leaves (list[str]): leaves of the tree, as hex digests depth (int): the number of levels in the tree count (int): the number of nodes in the tree rows (list[list[str]]): the levels of the tree """ def __init__(self, leaves, prehashed=True): self.prehashed = prehashed self.leaves = leaves self.count = 0 self._rows = [] self._generate() @property def depth(self): """Calculates the depth of the tree. Returns: (int): tree depth. """ pow = 0 while (2 ** pow) < len(self._leaves): pow += 1 return pow @property def leaves(self): """(list[str]/types.generator[str]): leaves of the tree.""" return self._leaves @leaves.setter def leaves(self, value): if value is None: raise ValueError('Leaves should be a list.') elif not isinstance(value, list) and \ not isinstance(value, types.GeneratorType): raise ValueError('Leaves should be a list or a generator (%s).' % type(value)) if self.prehashed: # it will create a copy of list or # it will create a new list based on the generator self._leaves = list(value) else: self._leaves = [ShardManager.hash(leaf) for leaf in value] if not len(self._leaves) > 0: raise ValueError('Leaves must contain at least one entry.') for leaf in self._leaves: if not isinstance(leaf, six.string_types): raise ValueError('Leaves should only contain strings.') def _generate(self): """Generate the merkle tree from the leaves""" self._rows = [[] for _ in range(self.depth + 1)] # The number of leaves should be filled with hash of empty strings # until the number of leaves is a power of 2. # See while len(self._leaves) < (2 ** self.depth): self._leaves.append(ShardManager.hash('')) leaf_row = self.depth next_branches = self.depth - 1 self._rows[leaf_row] = self._leaves if not self.prehashed: self.count += len(self._leaves) # Generate each row, starting from the bottom while next_branches >= 0: self._rows[next_branches] = self._make_row(next_branches) self.count += len(self._rows[next_branches]) next_branches -= 1 def _make_row(self, depth): """Generate the row at the specified depth""" row = [] prior = self._rows[depth + 1] for i in range(0, len(prior), 2): entry = ShardManager.hash('%s%s' % (prior[i], prior[i + 1])) row.append(entry) return row
[docs] def get_root(self): """Return the root of the tree""" return self._rows[0][0]
[docs] def get_level(self, depth): """Returns the tree row at the specified depth""" return self._rows[depth]
[docs]class Mirror(Object): """Mirror or file replica settings. Attributes: hash (str): mirrors (int): number of file replicas. status (str): current file replica status. """ def __init__(self, hash=None, mirrors=None, status=None): self.hash = hash self.mirrors = mirrors self.status = status
[docs]class Shard(Object): """Shard. Attributes: id (str): unique identifier. hash (str): hash of the data. size (long): size of the shard in bytes. index (int): numberic index of the shard in the frame. challenges (list[str]): list of challenge numbers tree (list[str]): audit merkle tree exclude (list[str]): list of farmer nodeIDs to exclude """ def __init__(self, id=None, hash=None, size=None, index=None, challenges=None, tree=None, exclude=None): = id # self.path = None self.hash = hash self.size = size self.index = index self.challenges = challenges self.tree = tree self.exclude = exclude if challenges is not None: self.challenges = challenges else: self.challenges = [] if tree is not None: self.tree = tree else: self.tree = [] if exclude is not None: self.exclude = exclude else: self.exclude = []
[docs] def all(self): return_string = 'Shard{index=%s, hash=%s, ' % ( self.index, self.hash) return_string += 'size=%s, tree={%s}, challenges={%s}' % ( self.size, ', '.join(self.tree), ', '.join(self.challenges)) return return_string
[docs] def add_challenge(self, challenge): """Append challenge. Args: challenge (str):. """ self.challenges.append(challenge)
[docs] def add_tree(self, tree): """Append tree.""" self.tree.append(tree)
[docs] def get_public_record(self): pass
[docs] def get_private_record(self): pass
[docs]class ShardManager(Object): """File shard manager. Attributes: filepath (str): path to the file. index (int): number of shards for the given file. nchallenges (int): number of challenges to be generated. shard_size (int/long): split file in chunks of this size. shards (list[:py:class:`Shard`]): list of shards """ def __init__(self, filepath, shard_size, nchallenges=12): self.nchallenges = nchallenges self.shard_size = shard_size self.filepath = filepath @property def filepath(self): """(str): path to the file.""" return self._filepath @filepath.setter def filepath(self, value): if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): raise ValueError('%s must be a string' % value) elif not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError('%s must exist' % value) elif not os.path.isfile(value): raise ValueError('%s must be a file' % value) self._filepath = value self.index = 0 self._make_shards() def _make_shards(self): """Populates the shard manager with shards.""" self.shards = [] with open(self._filepath, 'rb') as fd: index = 0 while True: chunk = if not chunk: break challenges = self._make_challenges(self.nchallenges) shard = Shard(size=self.shard_size, index=index, hash=ShardManager.hash(chunk), tree=self._make_tree(challenges, chunk), challenges=challenges) self.shards.append(shard) index += 1 self.index = len(self.shards) @staticmethod
[docs] def hash(data): """Returns ripemd160 of sha256 of a string as a string of hex. Args: data (str): content to be digested. Returns: (str): the ripemd160 of sha256 digest. """ if not isinstance(data, six.binary_type): data = bytes(data.encode('utf-8')) return binascii.hexlify( ShardManager._ripemd160(ShardManager._sha256(data)) ).decode('utf-8')
@staticmethod def _ripemd160(b): """Returns the ripemd160 digest of bytes as bytes. Args: b (str): content to be ripemd160 digested. Returns: (str): the ripemd160 digest. """ return'ripemd160', b).digest() @staticmethod def _sha256(b): """Returns the sha256 digest of bytes as bytes. Args: b (str): content to be sha256 digested. Returns: (str): the sha256 digest. """ return'sha256', b).digest() def _make_challenges(self, challenges=12): """Generates the challenge strings. Args: challenges (int): number of challenges to be generated. Returns: (list[str]): list of challenges. """ return [self._make_challenge_string() for _ in xrange(challenges)] def _make_challenge_string(self): return binascii.hexlify(''.join(os.urandom(32))) def _make_tree(self, challenges, data): """Creates a Storj Merkle tree. Args: challenges (list[str]): A list of random challenges. data (str): data to be audited. Returns: (:py:class:`MerkleTree`): audit tree. """ return MerkleTree((ShardManager.hash('%s%s' % (c, data)) for c in challenges))
[docs]class Token(Object): """Token. Args: token (str): token unique identifier. bucket (str): bucket unique identifier. operation (): expires (str): expiration date, in the RFC3339 format. encryptionKey (str): Attributes: id (str): token unique identifier. bucket (:py:class:`storj.model.Bucket`): bucket. operation (str): expires (datetime.datetime): expiration date, in UTC. encryptionKey (str): """ def __init__( self, token=None, bucket=None, operation=None, expires=None, encryptionKey=None ): = token self.bucket = Bucket(id=bucket) self.operation = operation if expires is not None: self.expires = datetime.fromtimestamp( strict_rfc3339.rfc3339_to_timestamp(expires)) else: self.expires = None self.encryptionKey = encryptionKey